Ratha Saptami 2024: A Celebration of Sun Worship

Ratha Saptami, a significant Hindu festival, is observed annually on the seventh day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the Hindu month of Magha. In 2024, Ratha Saptami will be celebrated on Friday, February 16[1][4]. This day is also known as Magha Saptami and is considered auspicious for worshipping the Sun, or Surya, as he begins his northward journey (Uttarayana) following the vernal equinox

Ratha Saptami is the festival of Lord Surya Narayana Swamy, Celebrated in the month of February or March and considered as birth day of God Surya. This day is also known as Surya Jayanti.

 Significance and Story

Ratha Saptami is associated with the story of a king whose son was often ill. The king sought advice from a learned man, who explained that the boy's illness was due to his past deeds (karma). The learned man suggested that the king perform prayers to Lord Sun and rituals on the day of Ratha Saptami to cure his son's health. The boy followed the advice and was freed from sins and negativities

People worship to Lord Surya and prepare Sakkarai Pongal and Vadai for neivedhyam along with coconut, beetle leaves and banana.

Shubh Muhurat and Puja Vidhi

The most auspicious time to perform Ratha Saptami puja is during the Arunodaya, or sunrise. Devotees should offer prayers to Lord Sun by reciting or chanting Aditya Hridayam, Surya Ashtakam, Surya Shathakam, Aruna Parayanam, and Vedam. Offering flowers and water to Lord Sun is also recommended. Worshipping Lord Sun on Sunday is considered a good source of attaining wealth, good health, and eliminating obstacles

Niyam and Observances

Observing a fast on Ratha Saptami is also a common practice. By fasting, devotees can free themselves from sins and eliminate negativities from their lives


Ratha Saptami is a day of great significance for Hindus, as it is an opportunity to worship the Sun and seek his blessings for good health, wealth, and prosperity. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion across India and the world.

                              हिंदी में देखें


**रथ सप्तमी 2024: सूर्य पूजन का महत्वपूर्ण त्योहार**

**महत्व और कहानी**

रथ सप्तमी हिंदू माहिती के मास माघ के शुक्ल पक्ष के सातवें दिन को मनाया जाता है। 2024 में, रथ सप्तमी 16 फरवरी को मनाई जाएगी। यह दिन सूर्य की पूजा के लिए शुभ माना जाता है, क्योंकि वह वसंतीय विषुव के बाद उत्तरायण की ओर अपनी यात्रा शुरू करता है।

रथ सप्तमी की कहानी एक राजा से जुड़ी है, जिनके पुत्र को अक्सर बीमारी थी। एक ज्ञानी व्यक्ति ने बताया कि बच्चे की बीमारी उसके पिछले कर्मों के कारण थी। राजा को सूर्य भगवान की पूजा और रथ सप्तमी के दिन अनुष्ठान करने की सलाह दी गई। इससे राजा का बेटा पापों और नकारात्मकताओं से मुक्त हो गया।

**शुभ मुहूर्त और पूजा विधि**

रथ सप्तमी की पूजा करने का सबसे शुभ समय अरुणोदय, यानी सूर्योदय के दौरान होता है। भक्तों को अदित्य हृदयम, सूर्य अष्टकम, सूर्य शतकम, अरुण पारायण, और वेदों का पाठ करके सूर्य भगवान को प्रार्थना करनी चाहिए। सूर्य भगवान को फूल और जल चढ़ाना भी सुझाया जाता है। इस दिन को उपवास रखना भी एक सामान्य अनुष्ठान है।

**नियम और अनुष्ठान**

रथ सप्तमी पर उपवास रखना भी एक सामान्य प्रथा है। उपवास रखकर भक्त पापों से मुक्त हो सकते हैं और अपने जीवन से नकारात्मकताओं को दूर कर सकते हैं।

रथ सप्तमी हिंदुओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण दिन है, क्योंकि यह सूर्य की पूजा करने और उनकी कृपा के लिए आशीर्वाद मांगने का एक अवसर है। यह त्योहार भारत और दुनिया भर में उत्साह और भक्ति से मनाया जाता है।

Ratha Saptami, a significant Hindu festival, is observed annually on the seventh day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the Hindu month of Magha. In 2024, Ratha Saptami will be celebrated on Friday, February 16[1][4]. The festival is also known as Magha Saptami and is dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God[2][3].

Keywords related to Ratha Saptami:

- Ratha Saptami

- Magha Saptami

- Surya Jayanti

- Shukla Paksha

- Magha month

- Sun God

- Surya

- Arunodaya

- Puja Vidhi

- Mantra

- Significance

- Story

- Uttarayana

- Vernal equinox

- Rituals

- Celebrations

- Temples

- Tirumala Tirupati Venkateswara Temple

- Surya Temples

- Surya Ashtakam

- Aditya Hridayam

- Surya Shathakam

- Aruna Parayanam

- Vedam

- Uttara Phalguni

- Uttara Ashadha

- Saptami

- Shubh Muhurat

- Arghya

- Arghyadaan

- Diya

- Kapur

- Dhup

- Red flowers

- Fast

- Eliminate negativities

- Wealth

- Good health

- Obstacles

- Farmers

- Harvesting season

- Vedas

- Ancient scriptures

- Gratitude

- Donation

- Longevity

- Prosperity

- Good health

- Sunrise time

- Saptami Tithi

- Arunodaya period

- Namaskar Mudra

- Kalash

- Ghee diya

- Puja samagri

- Offerings

- Worship

- Prayer

- Sun temple

- Tirumala Tirupati Venkateswara Temple

- Surya Temples

- South India

- Tirumala

- Tirupati

- Kamboja empire

- King Yashovarma

- Learned man

- Past deeds

- Karma

- Sins

- Negativities

- Cure

- Health

- Wealth

- Prosperity

- Good health

- Obstacles

- Worship

- Sun

- Astrology

- Vedic chants

- Gayatri Mantra

- Sun's house

- Leo (Simha)

- Uttarayana

- Verbal equinox

- Spring season

- Harvesting season

- Farmers

- Sun temple

- Tirumala Tirupati Venkateswara Temple

- Surya Temples

- South India

- Tirumala

- Tirupati

- Kamboja empire

- King Yashovarma

- Learned man

- Past deeds

- Karma

- Sins

- Negativities

- Cure

- Health

- Wealth

- Prosperity

- Good health

- Obstacles

- Worship

- Sun

- Astrology

- Vedic chants

- Gayatri Mantra

- Sun's house

- Leo (Simha)

- Uttarayana

- Verbal equinox

- Spring season

- Harvesting season

- Farmers

- Sun temple

- Tirumala Tirupati Venkateswara Temple

- Surya Temples

- South India

- Tirumala

- Tirupati

- Kamboja empire

- King Yashovarma

- Learned man

- Past de The festival is observed by Hindus in their homes and innumerable temples dedicated to Surya, across India[3]. Sun worship is deeply rooted in the Vedas of Hinduism and its antiquity also relates to several mythologies of the Egypt and Mesopotamia[3]. The festival is the perfect time for donating clothes and food to the poor and praying for longevity, prosperity, and good health[5].

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